Apprentice Program Year One Online Painting Class
This painting class is our foundation course that contains a total of 48 painting lessons. The lessons cover the most critical foundation topics for both absolute beginners and experienced painters.
As a beginner you will systematically build a solid foundation. These skills will help you paint in any media, whether it be oils, acrylics, or watercolor.
Experienced painters too can fill in the gaps in these critical foundation areas.
This is what you will learn:
- The foundational color knowledge you need to achieve beautiful color harmony in your work.
- The essential skills of how to divide the space in your paintings and create interesting designs.
- How to use create a focal point in art and concept to take your artwork beyond being just a ‘pretty picture’.
- The single technique that will make your drawing more accurate.
- The secret to making things look three-dimensional.
- … and much more
We will also teach you the most efficient alla prima process you can use for plein air painting in oils and acrylics. These are the techniques used my most professional artists. They are the exact same techniques that helped Barry win many top awards for his work.
For watercolor artists we will show you the key skill of using transparent washes to create vibrant and beautiful color in your watercolors.
I started learning oil painting with VAA from scratch. Just one year later my paintings started to sell

The Virtual Art Academy program is really comprehensive and gave me all the information and directives to learn painting in one package. The material is very well organized, just beautiful to look at and motivating to carry through. The online campus is a wonderful place to meet other artists and receive critical feedback on my progress – a place to make and meet friends. I started with the program in June 2012, to learn oil painting from scratch. Just one year later my paintings have start to sell.
Only online learning program I have ever discovered using a training industry best practice

Before repurposing my vocation into avocation, I spent 20 years in the corporate world as an instructional designer and performance consultant creating training curricula for diverse clientele from NASA to General Motors. I know curriculum development and how to guide a learner from beginning to certification.
VAA is the only online learning program I have ever discovered using a training industry best practice of incorporating Knowledge and Skills to support learning a new activity. Every building block (Drawing, Form, Observation, Concept, Notan, Composition, Colour, Brushwork) incorporates a “spiral learning” approach where you are introduced to the Knowledge/Skill at one level and then reintroduced to it again elsewhere in the curriculum. Sure genius.
I’ve attended workshops, read books, and watched YouTube videos — and none of them provide the scaffolded approach to learning the VAA offers. If you are just starting your painting journey, start here. If you are a mid level or advanced painter, start here. There is a sense of community with artists around the globe. You are part of a peer to peer learning process bigger than yourself.
As a result of the VAA, I have been juried into several shows, am represented by a local gallery and have been selling my paintings on a consistent basis. VAA curriculum’s approach will grow your ‘artist’s brush’ and aid you in finding your artistic voice. As your basics improve, your art improves. Henry Hensche said, “There is study and there is performance, and we should not confuse the two, study is done for perceptual development, our performances show us where we are in that development, and we must have both…”. VAA curriculum offers both.
I went through the entire curriculum, did every every exercise, and today review my printed books/exercises on an annual basis to keep myself fresh and ready for my next painting adventure.
Jay “jbird” Holobach
The Apprentice Program Curriculum: Year One Painting Class
Here is a complete list of all the online painting lessons in year one of our structured four-year Apprentice Program painting course. You get four workshops with 12 painting lessons in each workshop: 48 painting lessons in total.
With an Apprentice Pro membership, you get instant access to the whole of the year one program.
The colored boxes represent the ten building skill Building Blocks™ of our structured program.
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