Virtual Art Academy

love the tiny 5×7 for plein air

I own the Guerilla painter 5×7” thumb box as well as the campaign box. love both. I use the campaign box for larger paintings, also for portraits abroad. For plein air work the tiny 5×7 is great for me. It easily fits into a backpack. I keep my paint tubes and a small jar of solvent inside and take some brushes separately as I don’t like painting with short handled ones. I can take 2 wet panels in the box as well as the wet palette. Just close it and its done. I closed up the thumb hole in the bottom though. I use it with a tripod or on my lap. I like the way it”s made- very sturdy and no fiddly screws. I bought the extension palette but don’t use it much- it gets in the way of the wet paintings and that is more important to me.

Philine van der Vegte
The Netherlands
February 21, 2020
Guerrilla Pochade Box

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