Virtual Art Academy

Better than a French easel

I actually have two of these, one in each studio. I used them for many years as my preferred easel, but after a lot of heavy use it started to have problems.

The extension arm for holding the panel was not rigid and caused problems when the wind blew. Some of the plastic edging on the side trays broke. The vendor was very good about giving free replacements, but I guess my use is very heavy and time took its toll.

I did not like the tiny palette though and always laid my own home made palette on top of the trays, which rather defeated the object of the whole design. At the time I was also using a Russian Yarka Easel and found that easel to have a higher palette size to weight efficiency rating than the Soltek.

I also now use the Gloucester easel and find it a much more robust alternative and capable of holding a far larger palette.

Barry Raybould
March 7, 2019
Soltek Easel

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