Virtual Art Academy

Oil Painting Supplies For Beginners

Starting oil painting as a beginner is exciting! Here’s my recommended set of oil painting supplies for beginners.

Essential basic supplies

  1. Oil Paints: Invest in a basic set of oil paints with primary colors (red, blue, yellow), along with a large tube of white. You can gradually expand your color palette as you progress.
  2. Paint Brushes: To start with you only need one big and one small paintbrush so you get used to working with the paint.
    Later on as you progress through the course you can buy a larger variety of brushes in different shapes and sizes. Start with a couple of round and flat brushes for basic strokes and detail work. Synthetic brushes are good for beginners as they’re cheaper, but you can consider investing in higher-quality natural hair brushes as you advance.
  3. Palette: You’ll need a palette to mix your colors. I reommend a glass or plastic palette because they are easier to clean. You can also use a traditional wooden palette, a disposable palette pad, or even a melamine chipboard.
  4. Palette Knife: This is useful for mixing paint and applying it directly to the canvas, creating texture, and scraping paint off the palette.
  5. Painting Support: It is cheaper to start painting on paper that is specially made to use with watercolor paints (but I have found they are also very useful for oil painting). As you gain confidence you can move on to pre-stretched canvases or canvas boards. Get some masking tape to attach it to a board to give it some support while you are painting.
  6. Easel: While not absolutely necessary, an easel can make painting more comfortable by allowing you to adjust the angle and height of your canvas. If you are considering painting outdoors, consider purchasing a pochade box or plein air easel. They are a lot less heavy than a standard easel, and are also handy if your studio space is limited.
  7. Solvent or Turpentine: This is used to thin your oil paints and clean your brushes. Odorless solvents are available, which are less toxic and have a milder odor.
  8. Palette Cups or Jars: Use these to hold your solvents while you paint.
  9. Palette Paper or Disposable Palette Pad: If you don’t want to clean your palette after each painting session, you can use disposable palette pads or palette paper.
  10. Rags or Paper Towels: These are handy for wiping brushes and cleaning up spills.
  11. Apron or Old Clothes: Oil paints can be messy, so wear something you don’t mind getting paint on.

Remember, starting with quality supplies can make your painting experience more enjoyable and can even affect the outcome of your work. However, don’t feel pressured to buy everything at once. Start with the basics and gradually add to your collection as you gain more experience and figure out your preferences.

My recommendations

Click the presentation below to see my recommended set of oil painting supplies for beginners. This is the basic set of items you need to get started on the Virtual Art Academy® Apprentice Program.

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