Virtual Art Academy

Cat. No. 1486 Kilmore Quay, Ireland

Cat. No. 1486 Kilmore Quay, Ireland - 29.5cm x 29.5cm - Oil on Canvas - 2022
Cat. No. 1486 Kilmore Quay, Ireland - 29.5cm x 29.5cm - Oil on Canvas - 2022

Cat. No. 1486 Kilmore Quay, Ireland – 29.5cm x 29.5cm – Oil on Canvas

Here is a painting I completed during Art In The Open competition in the south east of Ireland. Kilmore Quay is a quaint little fishing village and as the evening drew close, a beautiful warm light fell across the wharf.

Formal Compositional Notes for Kilmore Quay

Compositionally the painting consists of two subdivisions of space. The smaller, upper top space is cool, consisting of the sky and water, and uses one third of the canvas. The larger, lower space dominates and is warm, consisting primarily of the wharf, and uses two thirds of the canvas. This kind of division is related to the Golden Section. It also uses a dominant temperature – in this case the warmer area is dominant.

Calligraphy brushwork adds to the foreground interest. It also has a simple color harmony, with the colored objects on the wharf using the primary red, yellow, blue color harmony.

Online painting classes

Here are the online painting classes in the Virtual Art Academy® Apprentice Program that teach the techniques I used in this painting:

  • B06 What Is Saturation?
  • B07 How To Make Grays
  • E04 Golden Section
  • H05 Balanced Color Harmonies
  • H06 Contrast of Warm/Cool
  • O08 Rhythm of Shapes

Thank You

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If you are interested in a structured approach for learning how to paint, take a look at my online painting classes.

Happy painting!

Barry John Raybould
Virtual Art Academy

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Cat. No. 1486 Kilmore Quay, Ireland

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