Virtual Art Academy

Cup Easel

Cup Easel Oil Painting Setup
Cup Easel Oil Painting Setup

The Cup Easel is a pochade box that has plastic cups to hold your paints and keep it fresh, so that you don’t have to carry paint tubes.


Pochade box name: Superlite base

Type: Clamshell + Pivot shelf

Price range: $150-$230

Weight: Under 2lb

Palette size: 6″x 6″, 15cm x 15cm

Construction: Baltic Birch / Plastic / Stainless Steel

Average Rating: 4.0 stars (based on 1 rating)


Cup Easel Oil Painting Setup
Cup Easel Oil Painting Setup

The Superlite is a compact and lightweight folding easel. It is perfect for on-the-go painting, with the ease of a quick set up and take down that conveniently fits in your backpack. It can be used outdoors for plein air painting, or at home for whenever you’re feeling creative. 

Designed for colour sketching in gouache, watercolour, oils and acrylics. The easel is a self contained platform with optional removable moulded plastic or tempered glass mixing palettes. It also has interchangeable paint trays that hold an ample amount of pigment under a magnetic silicone sealed lid. 

Cup Easel Watercolor Painting Setup

It can be attached to a camera tripod, or used on your lap or table top surface. 


Made in Canada from Baltic Birch plywood, alloy tension hinge, neodymium magnets, machined plastics and stainless steel hardware. Finished with a grey oil based stain and sealed with a water sealer.


Cup Easel Accessories

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Reviews of this pochade box

The cup easel is a nice sturdy pochade box

The cup easel pochade box is well made and sturdy. The thing I like about it is that it is simple, so that there is not much that can break. For a watercolor setup, it is nice to have trays for your colors that slot into the box, so that you don’t have to carry paint tubes. You can actually use it as a dual oil painting pochade box and watercolor box at the same time. I’m not sure yet about the paint holders. Over time they are likely to get filled up with paint, and you will either have to buy new ones, or find some way of cleaning them. But overall it’s a nice system. There is a handy extra palette tray that you can buy too that fits on your easel.


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Cup Easel

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